Saturday, 12 November 2011

Account of day before shoot day.

Having had a successful shoot day, now i am going to write an account of our shoot day.
Starting with the setting up of our set, which included the set, props and scenery.  Having been given the afternoon before our shoot day  to set up our set, we had to make sure that we use this time wisely and not waste any valuable time. As a group of four, we targeted different jobs at each other, firstly as a group we cleared this studio to ensure that we had the space we needed, and no additional props and items were left around. Karis and i started bringing in the props from the prop containers, into the studio. once all the main props were in the studio, we started to design our set, as we did in our sketch previously drawn throughout preparing our shoot day.  With help from the technians, they assited us and were able to do the difficult jobs we wernt allowed, able to do. Such as assembling the star cloth, which is shown in the first picture to the right, this starcloth was 10ft long and with the help of a crane, it was assembled. The starcloth was assembled on the back wall of the studio. Secondly we brought in platforms and steps in order to give height to the thrown, in order to show authority and royalty. This was then covered in a royal red carpert, in order to carry out the king theme and decorate the set. in order for the carpert to stay in place, we used staples although this wasnt so effective as they kept coming udone. Although in the end we had no problems, whilst the set was placed on top. Our final throne came from a theatre props website called This chair was gold and red velvet and suited our set appropriately, matching the drapes we then put up. These drapes were attached to metal poles and balanced with a weight at the bottom. At this stage, the star cloth, drapes, carpet and throne was on stage, finally we added the white pillars either side of the platform, and on top we used stone greblins in order to add an authentic look to the set. Although in order to add our character, Affies style to it, we placed flatcaps onto of these statues heads.

I felt setting up the day before was a wise decision and practically suited us, as when we had our shoot day the next day, we found we were organized and able to have a sucessful, smooth running shoot day.

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