Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Audience and Institutions

The Audience we have targeted for this sequence of ‘Resurgence’ is people which are interested in the electric chair death which was invented in 1890. Execution by electrocution, usually performed using an electric chair, is an execution method originating in the United States in which the person being killed is strapped to a specially built wooden chair and electrocuted through electrodes placed on the body. This execution method has been used only in the United States and, for a period of several decades, in the Philippines (its first use there in 1924 under American occupation, last in 1976). The electric chair has become a symbol of the death penalty; however, its use is in decline. Nowadays the only use of death penalty which is still used in a few states is the lethal injections and gas chamber. In England we can still use execution. People which are interested in this due to it being history will be attracted to watching our sequence, although we have a twist in the second half of the sequence when our main character
(Randell) had the sack over his head and ends up working behind a bar in a pub a numerous amount of years later.

I would like Resurgence to be independently made by me and then distributed by a film company such as Lionsgate and/or Vertigo.

Lionsgate is small Canadian-American Entertainment Company targeting niche markets; they have 497 employees and have distributed various films. Some of the films are: ‘The Last Exorcism, Saw 3D, Rabbit hole’ and many more.  The audience for saw 3d, is similar to my film Resurgence so this therefore could be very useful and more appropriate to use.

Vertigo is a British film production and film distribution company. The company was formed for the express purpose of distributing and producing two films, ‘The Football Factory and its All Gone Pete Tong’. Its current stated goal is to produce four films and distribute four films per year. Vertigo target smaller audiences than distributors such as Warner Bros. also vertigo have their own DVD release, and because we are looking to release our film on DVD, Vertigo would be suitable to use in order to distribute a DVD.
One of Vertigos films 'Monsters' was premiered through Xbox 360 and Net flicks/ Net flicks is an internet streaming film service which enables people to  rent films directly to ur house, similar to Due to Resurgence targeting small niche audiences, it may be more effective to use Vertigo as they have reaches small niche markets in the past too.

The reasons why I would like to use a small distributor is due to the genre Resurgence, it may not appeal to mass markets, so by using small company’s this will ensure it will find a spot in the market who will have an interest to.
In order to advertise and sell my film to audiences, Id like to use similar strategies, firstly by creating a website, so people can see the making of the film, our ideas and the director and production notes. It was a very long process and journey till we finalized our idea and started filming. I would give Resurgence a certificate of a 15, as Resurgence is a thriller/horror and may not be appropriate to younger generation. Also there will be scenes of an electrocution taking place which will involve blood and a victim being tortured. These events aren’t pleasant so a certificate of 15 will advertise that there a gruesome and distasteful.

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