Firstly in contrast to my peliminary task i have learnt and developed various skills which have helped my achieve a better standard and quality of my opening sequence of 'Resurgence'. Obvious skills and rules such as the 180 degree rule i have learnt and now understand in full detail. In my peliminary task i wasnt aware of the factors affecting this and also the consequences. Now by understanding what to do, i am confident when filming what to be aware of and now i wont make as many mistakes when filming.
Here is a diagram of the 180 degree rule.
Another factor which i have progressed in since the peliminary task is using Final Cut pro. This programme is a nonlinear editing system that allows users to edit video. Created by Apple Computer, Final Cut Pro allows you to edit everything from digital video, IMX and uncompressed SD to HDV, XDCAM HD, DVCPRO HD and uncompressed HD.
When using Finally Cut pro in my preliminary task I came across many difficulties, firstly it was adapting to the use of the software, it was all very new to me and it was hard to remember particular buttons and there uses. After repeatedly using them, and again this time in my thriller ‘Resurgence’ I now feel confident that I have a lot more knowledge in this field. One particular problem I had whilst editing was matching the sound to the shot, but with precision and dragging the shots on top of the sound, I was able to overlap them and match the actors mouth to the sound recorded. Another problem I had was learning what each specific tool meant, there are rather a lot and was difficult to memorize, and I kept using the wrong tool for the wrong purpose in the preliminary task but now I was able to use the right tool for the right purpose. When using final cut pro for our thriller ‘Resurgence’ we had to think about what kind of sequence it was, was it a fast or slow action sequence and what would appeal to the audience. Due to it being about a boy being electrocuted we thought the most appropriate pace for the beginning would be slow, as it would allow the events to lead up and create suspense and tension until the boy was actually electrocuted. The pace would go faster when the victim is just about to be electrocuted, then all of a sudden break off, this was portrayed by using a black screen for a few seconds through final cut pro to show the action of the electrocution will be taking place and also a sense of time. I liked using the blackout as it gives off a sense of mystery and makes the audience wonder and think what would have happened.

Another aspect I have learnt is how to import sounds from Soundtrack pro, this is all linked in with the editing process. Soundtrack enables you to choose a wide variety of sound effects, songs and a choice of music, which you can choose, appropriately to your film. For the preliminary task we didn’t use these due to only using the dialogue we had recorded. For my preliminary task all the sound was diegetic, due to the audience being able to hear these sounds. And for my thriller ‘Resurgence’ we have used a variety of sound clips. Firstly the sound of a radio tuning, as there is a radio broadcast set in the 1930’s playing at the beginning so this sound effect with firstly inform the audience what time period it is and what it is. In ‘Resurgence’ we used non-diegetic sound, as the actors can’t hear these noises and these sounds are used to enhance the ambiance and overall atmosphere of our opening sequence.
The sound effects also help create mood and atmosphere. Another sound effect we are using is the sound of electricity for our credits, due to this thriller being based on electrocution we believe it is appropriate to use this sound effect of electricity as it fits in well with the theme and adds extra detail to the credits.
Being able to use Soundtrack pro allows us to make our tasks more interesting, unique and more appealing to a wider audience. It took time to learn and understand what each function meant but after a while I feel happy with the new skills I have learnt and the way I have put them into context.
Another aspect we used which added to the final touches of our opening sequence was titles and graphics. In our preliminary task we didn’t use titles and graphics as it was a very basic task, we also know how to use titles and graphics back then. Now, having learnt how to use titles and graphics and there purposes we were able to incorperated them into our opening sequence of our thriller. Firstly being using these titles a teacher Matt showed us a DVD of titles being used just so we could remember how to use them and it really helped seeing a variety of titles and graphics as it helped us to think about the style of visuals we wanted. After this we wrote a list of the appropriate titles we though was necessary and that we wanted. We could of named every person involved or we could name purely the distributor, producer and director. We decided to name the distributor, producer, director and the main actors. We started our credits with the Distributor, the Distributor we used was ‘Two door cinemas’, as this is a very small distribution company and we will be able to budget the film and target the right niche market. Due to our thriller being targeted at groups of people interested in history, types of death penalty’s and mysterious stories we chose to target a small niche market, as there is only going to be a particular amount of people who will have an interest in this film.
Our production we decided to use is ‘An electric production’, we thought of this name as it refers back to the film being about electrocution and how these productions based on electricity, an electric chair, and an electrocution. We decided the credits would have a ‘typewriting’ font and would fade in and out on the left hand side of a blank black screen. The idea of using a blank black screen is used to heighten tension as they audience can only hear the sound of electricity and not see anything apart from the credits. The rest of the credits of the actors will also appear on black screens but slowly fade into the opening sequence before the action takes place. The fact we are going to end the credits leading into the openings sequence is to reduce tension.
We have decided to use the same font styles throughout the sequence as if we used a variety of cartoony graphics our opening sequence will begin to look amateur.
An example where a title card a picture of an electric chair as the background.
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