Friday, 24 June 2011

Evaluation of Pop Promo Prelim

On thursday 24th of June a band from hastings called 'Acres of Life' came to hurtwood. There genre/style of music was pop-punk and hardcore. Our class was split up into three groups, and we all had the opportunity to film sections of a chosen song they had to record in the studio. Luckily, they were a young teenage band ranging from 17- 19 years old so we were able to interact and get on well with, so filming was made easier.
Within my group was Catherine, Will and Anoushka.
Before we started filming, obviously we had to start planning, this concisted of story boarding our shot ideas. we had to come up with shot choices, these shot choices include the types of shots we wanted to do, by sketching out a rough picture of the set and the angle of shot we wanted to do, for example a close up of the lead singer would be drawn against the set. Within my group we came up with various shot choices for example close ups, extreme close ups of the guitarist hands playing the guitar, establishing shot and high angle shot of the drummer. This was my favourite shot as it was more interesting and creative, giving more of a selection of shot choices.
Throughout the day, we did enconter some problems with filming, for example we tried a low angle shot of the band, but this didnt work due to the set poking up and being very obvious at the top of the shot. Also another problem which came up was some shots didnt work, some of the shots didnt focus properly so we didnt include them in the final editing, or our ideas didnt look as effective as we hoped. Luckily, some shots worked well, especially the high angle of the drummer, this concisted on standing on a level in order to raise the camera and overlook the drummer, focusing more on his drum skills then the other members of the band. I felt the extreme close up of the bass player could have been more effective, but due to the bass player jumping around alot and moving around this resulted in very jumpy footage and the main focus  got outside the screen, so the shot didnt work.

Within this production, i didnt really have one main role, i did a bit of everything. The jobs i did was firstly filming some of the shot choices we came up with, which was focusing on getting the right focus, zoom and angle of the shot we wanted to film. secondly on a handheld camera, taking footage and pictures throughout the morning of my team working, filming and of the band generally. This footage will go into my blog to show how my group took part and got involved throughout the production. The other jobs concisted of pressing play and stop for the soundtrack, which was played on top of the filming. The other members in my group rotated throughout the morning, letting everyone have a go on the camera, or hand-held or the music. If there wasnt a job, then we would look at our list of shot choices and tell the other memebers how we picture this and the angle we would like to shot it from. I feel all the memebers in my group were very constructive throughout the day and there are no destructive comments to be made, as everyone took part.

As a team, i believe we worked well as a team, at times we did have difficulties with choosing shot choices or rotating jobs as some members prefered filming then playing the soudntrack, as these were easy to sort out. Overll i feel we effectively worked well as a team, although had difficulties with the editing after the footage was filmed, as some of us forgot certain stages and rules within the editing process. So ended up having to restart our editing, which was time consuming. Letting everyone have a go at editing is difficult, especially when its four people to one computer, and we established there were better members of our group who enjoy and have the skills of editing, and some who are weaker at some stages.

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