After sending our thriller sequence to family and friends via the internet, we got much positive feedback although there were a few areas where they didnt understand or found confusing,
The positive feedback we got was from a range of ages, including anyone up to 67 years old.

Here is some of the qaulitative feedback we recieved-
Our thriller sequence- Resurgence was also uploaded onto Youtube, for public viewing, here daily the amount of views increased.
A comment we recieved on our youtube video was from a girl called Holl Finlay.
We also did some quantative research, this was based on numerical statistics, which we discovered by giving questionaires to the public.
The results are as followed-
82% of the public said that found it very interesting, intriguing and generally liked it.
18% of the public said that they found it hard to understand, got confused and lost track of the meaning of sequence.
The positive feedback we got was from a range of ages, including anyone up to 67 years old.
Here is some of the qaulitative feedback we recieved-
- Alexander wright-" i loved the after effects you used, it really contributed to the period of time and the costumes reflected the era".
- Molly Finchley- "I Thought it was good, but i found the ending confused i didnt really understand why it went back or did it go forward?".
- Jack Pipe- "i thought the soudn effects you used were cool, it suited the actions going on, although the broadcast at the beginning was a little hard to understand, because of the strong american accent".
- Hayley Guy- "i watched alot of the videos, and this one was definatley my favourite! i love history and the electric chair was such a good prop!".
Our thriller sequence- Resurgence was also uploaded onto Youtube, for public viewing, here daily the amount of views increased.
A comment we recieved on our youtube video was from a girl called Holl Finlay.
We also did some quantative research, this was based on numerical statistics, which we discovered by giving questionaires to the public.
The results are as followed-
82% of the public said that found it very interesting, intriguing and generally liked it.
18% of the public said that they found it hard to understand, got confused and lost track of the meaning of sequence.
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