Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Introduction to Advanced Portflio

A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with two of the following three options:

  • A homepage for the band.
  • A cover for it's release as part of a digipack (CD/DVD package).
  • A magazine advertisement for the digipack (CD/DVD package).

All material for all tasks to be produced by the candidates with the exception of acknowledged non-original sound or image material used in a limited way in video/radio work. Further guidance will be avaliable in the support materials. For music video, permission should be sort from the artist for use of the audio track. 
The centre will be expected to allocate marks according to four levels for each three categories:

  1. Research and Planning.
  2. Construction.
  3. Evaluation.

In arriving at a level for each category, teachers are advised to look for evidence of 'best fit'. It is possible both for a candidate to be placed in different levels for each of the three categories and to recieve quite different marks from other memebers of the same group responsible for producing an artefact, according to his/her contribution. Teachers are asked to support marks with written comments under the three categories on the assesment sheet.

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