Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Proposal for a new popular music artist.

 Luo Benin (a typical African name, originally from Africa and very popular within the African culture).

 Grime, Party music, Witch house electro, acoustic, Dance music and hip-hop.

Type of Act
 The type of act we are trying to go with should be very naturalistic and simplistic. The main setting will be a black background; with floor lights (minimal lighting) the oil canister will create natural lighting on the main character (LUO). Throughout the pop video, we would like lots of high energy to be involved so the audience is entertained throughout the whole video. This type of video is crowd warming, always performing live. In order to create this naturalistic approach, never use backing tracks or auto tune. He’s a natural performer designed for the independent scene.

Star image
 The star image we would like our band/artist to have is strictly independent.  The artist sees mainstream music as the enemy, rapping about social concerns and politics. Making people think about the problems people face in day-to-day life. He also relates to his own culture a lot, such as the African culture he is from and has experienced from a young age. Also the feeling of acknowledgement that people are in the same boat as them, they can receive helps and support on a day-to-day life. And many people have similar lifestyles just don’t know it. I believe it will attract the correct audience to this particular artist. Within our video, it will have a lot of creative and meaningiful props, such as the body parts- intestines/hearts etc. this will create a particular audience interested in science as well as how the human body works and how people relate to it. Other props such as the oil canister can be an effect but as well a source of light and heat, warming the artist to feel safe and warm. We suggested possibly using puppet dolls and bottles hanging, this could suggest objects from the main artist childhood/past, which he can relate to. And hopefully the audience will too, with the puppet he could either of had nightmares or good experiences with them.

Choice of Track:
 The choice of the track is very important, especially as this makes most of the music video. In order for the track to suit the type of video we’ve gone for, throughout the track should be portrayed as 'punchy' with throbbing bass lines and fast rapping, in order to keep the audience on there toes and excited/thrill them. Whilst he raps he has an anarchist view on the subjects and topics he talks about which mean he raps in a poet like form. Overall it is important for the audience to realize that the artist has a strong link and connection with them, trying to relate to their problems and experiences, by expressing himself through music. 

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