Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Audience Feedback.

Audience Feedback-
 Song- Party Animal- Mikill pane.

After performing our pitch of our final ideas for our Music Video, we asked various students for some feedback on which aspects worked and others that didn’t. We also needed ideas in order to improve. The feedback that the audience came up with was-

Holly Finlay

Question- I really liked the whole concept of what you visually want to display but realistically will it work, with the oil canister inside the studio?
What we have done-
In order to still involve the oil canister, we are not allowed to alight the oil canister inside so we came up with the concept of having a third location outside in an abandoned playground where we can alight the oil canister. This change of scenery will contrast to the studio and there will be junk and old burnt items lying around the scene.

Megan Flook

Question- Your set sounds very minimal and basic, how are you going to make sure the audience is entertained and how are you going to make the music video visually interesting?

What have we done- Having a plain studio originally sounded like a very clever, smart idea, but now as we have progressed we have realised that shooting forty or more shots in just one room is very boring and does not appeal to the audience. So we have changed our locations from one to three.

1)      the studio, where all Affie’s shots will be taken
2)      An abandoned playground3)      Guilford high street- for all the shots of the girls walking around

We hope by introducing three locations into our music video, it will provide the audience with a more interesting and entertaining concept. Having a vast contrast from a studio into the open country air, hopefully will do it.

Bella Macdonald

Question- Your artists genre is Grime, do you reckon this will appeal to a mass market or a niche? How are you going to advertise and promote the song to everyones likes?

111111oioiWhat have we done-  We have focused on the Hip Hop/ Grime genre with full attention to our target audience being a niche market which would range from 18-28 years old. Our market is niche because the genre of Grime is not as popular as genres such as pop. Therefore by targeting a niche market we are advertising the genre to an audience that we know will enjoy the music. In order to avdvertise our song to as many people as possible we want to let Affie come across as a similar artist to Wiley and Dizzee Rascal. These artists are major stars in the music industry and appeal to a mass market of people, I believe our audience will be similar people interested in the grime and hip/hop industry.

Gabi Restanio

Question- what sort of lighting are you using? As you are filming in three different locations, wont there be a vast contrast in the lighting?
What we have done- in the studio we have three walls and two of them well have mounted lighting, on one of the walls we have star cloth and on the other a ray of lighting. Outside we will use natural lighting, although in Guildford we hope for the sun to go down so we can filming from light to dark, this will produce a vaster contrast of lighting but hopefully it will all merge in together as one and  create a high quality music video. It is the way we shoot our shots and how we edit them and cut them in order for them to make sense.

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