Monday, 17 October 2011

Shooting Schedule

Shooting Schedule

In order to be extra prepared, we decided to create a schedule of our shoot day. Having two locations is another reason to plan our time, as travel time also comes into our shoot day and wastes time out of the short time we have already.

9 00 - makeup and costume, Georgina will get dressed into her appropriate costume, and get her makeup and hair done either by Karis or Mimi. Affie will be dressed by Hector or Jake. Arrival of Throne- delivered. Unpackage thrown, set up into place.

9 30 – Check all props are in place, and the set is perfect. Rehearse Georgina and Affie, with background song playing- like the screen tests.
10 -00 – 11.30- Shoot Affie's shots in film studio
List of shots
10.00- 11.30
        Mid close up of the face.
        Puddle and Affies foot
        Establishing shot of the chair and Affie
        Close up of Affie
        Close up
11.30- 1.00
Shots outside at Beatrice Webb, abandoned playground- barrel being lit Barrel- oil can outside
        Over the shoulder view of the girl and the barrel
        Girl hands over the barrel
        Establishing shot of the barrel
        Extreme close up of the fire coming out of the barrel
1.00-1.20 -Lunch
1 .30-2.00- Travel to Guildford

2.00-2.30- Find the location of chosen shooting area, and set up.  Off licence Shop

2 30 - 4.30

List of shots

- Girl going into the shop

- Outside shot of the girl buying a drink inside.

- She walks out the shop

- Girl continuously walking down a street

- filming her from behind

-filming her from in front

- Side on angle shot of girl walking

- Feet shot of the girl walking

4 30 - 4 50 - travel back to school

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