the next credit is 'the director or a film of', this is as these people have got the money and have decided what to spend it on.
after these important credits, the next ones would be the names of the actors, from most important to least important in different font styles and sizes too.
The reasons why we do this, is becuase we follow what the audiences expect of credits and graphics.
Due to 'Resurgence' being a thriller in order to convey this and that we used electricution we have used lighting strikes and sound effects to convey this, this is portrayed at the end.
Also by having the radio broadcast over the top of the credits, set the time of our opening sequence, the events that have occured and how they will visually be shown.
we need to convey the audience expectations in order to understand what is going on. if they do not understand whats happening, they loose interest but if it is very fomalic the audience will loose interest as there is nothing to see. The use of titles in a film sequence is a convention we have upheld to ensure our audience is aware of the various production credits and technical aspects which the audience expect.
Here are various screen grabs we have taken of our finished project-
Here is a screengrab of the opening scene, this is a midshot of Randell Merett more commonly known as the 'El paso strangler'. Here he is being tied up by the two officers and they are preparing him for his electrocution. This shot potrays the establishing shot, the props which include the table, bucket, electric chair and cloth used to cover his face. Also there costumes are shown, and once again appropraite to the 1930s style of clothing.
Here is another screengrab, of an extreme close up of the bucket. We have used this shot in our sequence due to it adding effect to our sequence, adding a variety of shots but also this shot includes one police officer draining the bucket in preparation for the electrocution. Here we can visually see the water droplets and the old fashioned metal bucket.
Here is one of my favourite screengrabs. A close up of Randell Merrett, his eyes looking menancing and scary to the audience watching. His face has created shadows due to the lighting and the after effect we have used, it has washed out all the bright colours and focused on his features, especially his eyes.
This Mid shot screengrab is of one of our officers, he is placed against the brick wall and is visually shown to be captured in his appropriate 1930's police officers outfit.
All these screengrabs visually show seven framed of our finished production, these illustrate our engagment with existing forms and conventions and anaylse how they demonstrate the use, development and challenging of these.
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