Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Task 3- What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The media institution we have decided to use to distribute our media product is Vertigo.

Vertigo Films is a UK Media company founded in 2002 to create and distribute commercially driven independent cinema.
Some of vertigos strategies to market there films are firstly they have built up strong relationships with brand partners such as TDK, Red Bull and Diesel ensuring that the cross promotional and marketing opportunities are maximized on the Films releases.
Also Vertigo has worked very closely with record companies such as EMI (Positive), Warmers and Universal on the release of their Films. The successes of the Films have drawn artists such as Mike Skinner (The Streets), Primal Scream and Orbital to work with the company.

Particular films that have been distributed and produced by Vertigo have been films like 'The Business',  'The firm','Street Dance 3d'.

Other marketing materials Vertigo have used not just for this film but others they have produced is posters and trailers. Using trailers give a slice of the film to the audience, usually the best bits and this can attract the audience and encourage them to go watch it in the cinema. Also posters can be displayed all over the country on billboards, vehicles and in newspapers to catch the viewers eye and possibly any famous actors in it, therefore if the public like those famous actors that will also contribute to there decision of whether to go see it or not.

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