Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Task 4- Who would be the audience for your media product?

The specific social groups we have chosen to analyse which we believe will fit into our genre of film are people who are interested in history of the elctric chair and the death penalty then. So for example well educated people, but young. An example of a social group w hich fits into this categorary is the social group of history geeks, these people are a group of people interested in specific historical events.

These pictures display young, educated history 'geeks'.

Another social group which coudl be interested in this thriller, would be people who have watched films such 'Silence of the lambs'

In media today, social groups are very important, and directors need to target the correct audience for there film, but films need to target a wide range of audiences, as they need to get enough people to come watch there films so they make enough sales and raise profit.

Silence of the lambs have approached a wide audience, specifically  between the ages of 16 to late 30's. Focusing on men, as this film would appeal to men more , although approach women as well, but a wider audience to men.

Here is the trailer, the trailer gives an impression to the target audience we are wanting to approach.

Another film which we got an idea from was the film, 'Green mile'.
The green mile focuses on an electroction in america and uses an electric chair. Focusing on there electric chair, we were able to get similar designs and possibly hope to attract similar audiences who were interested in that genre of film.

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